Are you tired of forgetting tasks or making many to-do lists only to never achieve the ultimate goal? Then I feel you, truly. It is the single most frustrating thing to put in the effort and create a list but fail on the complying part. But worry not because I am here to tell you what the problem is and how you can up your list game and make the best to-do list.

Best To-do list

What’s the problem and how can you solve it?

  • The first tasks are too complex:

The problem is not that you are lazy, the problem is the To-do list template and what you have as the 1st and most important task.

The number one cause of a failed to-do list is the first task being way too big & complicating to achieve in one go. You’ll be amazed at how easy it gets once you check the first items off the list.

Solution: You just need to get things started. And you can easily achieve that by making the first few tasks simple and easy. Something that you do daily but does not consider a task. And from that, you can build your task as to what you need to be done.

For example, if you are working from home make the first tasks something like folding the sheets, brushing, and clearing the clutter.

If you are working from the office make the first few tasks like making a cup of coffee, decluttering the workplace, changing the calendar date, etc.

  • Using the activation energy criteria:

If you don’t know what activation energy is then you are missing out on the greatest mind hack my friend.

Activation energy is the energy required to do a particular task. For example, if you want to watch TV and the remote is near you’ll immediately turn on the TV. but, if you know that the remote is in the next room or somewhere out of reach you will most probably stick to your phone.

And the best part is you can use this habit in both good and bad ways. You can make the best to-do list by removing hurdles from the task you want to be done and adding hurdles in the task you don’t want to do like using the phone.

  • Trashy template:

Although it seems like nothing, having a good to-do list template can compel your brain into doing the tasks. The to-do list template you are using needs to be simple, easy to follow, and easy to edit. Being aesthetically pleasing is also important.

Best To-do list

Where to find the ideal template?

Here’s a suggestion, Acteamo’s to-do list template. It has all the functions and features that are both helpful and easy to navigate. Acteamo’s template is designed in a way that complies with and encourages the human brain to follow and complete the task.

Along with that, you’ll be able to set the task according to their priority and save them on the cloud and assign the tasks to other team members.